Vice President Uz Hussain Mohamed Latheef stated that modern warfare and the destruction of nations increasingly involve the use of hybrid weapons, tactics, strategies, and skills. He emphasised the importance of preventing such threats and urged young people to remain vigilant and acquire the technical skills required to tackle these challenges effectively.
He made this statement during his address at the official ceremony marking Huravee Day on Wednesday evening. In his speech, the Vice President highlighted the need to gain technical knowledge alongside courage, determination, and resolve, calling on everyone to master modern tactics and skills.
Describing intellectual warfare as a prolonged assault on the social fabric of the nation, the Vice President noted that it undermines social cohesion and economic stability over time. He explained that the deep wounds inflicted by such attacks could divide the country, weaken national unity, and erode trust among citizens, thereby threatening the national interest.
The Vice President further emphasised that today's generations should set an example for the future. He suggested this could be achieved by honouring the sacrifices of past heroes, such as Dhonban’daarain. He encouraged the youth to actively support the Government’s initiatives aimed at equipping them with technical skills to achieve the nation's development goals.
He also stated that the Government’s top priority is safeguarding the nation’s interests and individual freedoms. Highlighting the rapid advancement of technology and the growing influence of artificial intelligence, he noted that efforts to strengthen cybersecurity are being undertaken with technical support from relevant authorities.
The Vice President stressed the need for further measures to counter hybrid warfare. He highlighted the importance of cybersecurity training, teaching techniques for identifying threats, and combating disinformation in its various forms, which have become critical priorities.
Reflecting on President Dr Mohamed Muizzu’s foresight, the Vice President commended the President for fostering cooperation with relevant parties, friendly nations, and national stakeholders in the nation's interest. He also praised efforts to enhance military capacity and strengthen internal security.
Additionally, the Vice President noted the President’s commitment to prioritising development, civilisation, social security, and public health, alongside nation-building. These efforts, he said, have elevated the nation’s pride and prestige on the global stage. He expressed sincere gratitude for the President’s dedication and hard work.
The Vice President concluded his address with a prayer to Allah Almighty, asking for mercy upon the national heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and for continued victory and success for the nation.
Vice President Uz @HucenSembe attends the official function at the Islamic Centre to commemorate the Maldives' Huravee Day.
In his remarks, the Vice President urged the youth to practice caution and be vigilant against the hybrid warfare plaguing the world, encouraging youth…— The President's Office (@presidencymv) December 4, 2024
ދޮންބަންޑާރައިން އެވީ ޤުރުބާނީގެ ޙައްގު ޝުކުރު އަބަދުވެސް އަދާކުރަންޖެހޭ: ނައިބް ރައީސް ޙުސައިން މުޙައްމަދު ލަޠީފް@HucenSembe
— PSM News (@psmnewsmv) December 4, 2024
ދޮންބަންޑާރައިން އެވީ ޤުރުބާނީގެ ޙައްގު ޝުކުރު އަބަދުވެސް އަދާކުރަންޖެހޭ: ނައިބް ރައީސް ޙުސައިން މުޙައްމަދު ލަޠީފް@HucenSembe
— PSM News (@psmnewsmv) December 4, 2024
މިނިވަން އިސްލާމީ ވަތަނެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި މިދިވެހިރާއްޖެ މިއޮންނަނީ ދިވެހި ގައުމުދެކެ ލޯބިވާ ގިނަބައެއްގެ ބުރަ މަސައްކަތުން: ނައިބު ރައީސް ޙުސައިން މުޙައްމަދު ލަޠީފް@HucenSembe
— PSM News (@psmnewsmv) December 4, 2024
ދޮންބަންޑާރައިން އެވީ ޤުރުބާނީގެ ޙައްގު ޝުކުރު އަބަދުވެސް އަދާކުރަންޖެހޭ: ނައިބް ރައީސް ޙުސައިން މުޙައްމަދު ލަޠީފް@HucenSembe
— PSM News (@psmnewsmv) December 4, 2024
Ali Naseer Mohamed, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Maldives to United Nations, spoke at the side-event co-hosted by Maldives, Antigua & Barbuda and International Institute for Environment & Development. In his address, the PR highlighted the importance of debt forgiveness for SIDS nations
Spoke at side event co-hosted by 🇲🇻&🇦🇬 and @IIED on “empowering resilient future” for #SIDS on sideline of #FfFD4. Bilateral creditors need to reduce SIDS debt in return for investment in #resilience. That will make SIDS economies stronger, more stable & reliable partners.
— Ali Naseer Mohamed (@AlinyMohamed) December 4, 2024
Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy has held a workshop on presenting the findings of the ecological baseline study on the environmentally special areas of Lamu Atoll under the ENDhERI project
އެންދެރި މަޝްރޫޢުގެ ދަށުން ލާމު އަތޮޅުގެ ތިމާވެށީގެ ގޮތުން ހާއްޞަ ސިފަތައް ލިބިފައިވާ ސަރަހައްދުތަކަށް އަމާޒުކޮށް ހަދާފައި އިކޮލޮޖިކަލް ބޭސްލައިން ދިރާސާގެ ހޯދުންތައް މަސްލަހަތުވެރިންނަށް ހުށަހެޅުމުގެ ބައްދަލުވުމެއް މިއަދު ބާއްވައިފިއެވެ.
— Min. of Climate Change, Environment and Energy (@MoEnvmv) December 4, 2024
މޯލްޑިވްސް ރެޒިލިއަންޓް ރީފްސްއާ…
Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy has announced the commissioning of a new RO Plant at R. Vandhoo RWMF. The project was run by Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy with funding from the World Bank, ensures clean water for incinerator operation
Excited to announce the commissioning of a new RO Plant at R. Vandhoo RWMF! Implemented by the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy with funding from the World Bank,
— Min. of Climate Change, Environment and Energy (@MoEnvmv) December 4, 2024
this project ensures clean water for incinerator operations, driving progress towards sustainable…
Maldives National University (MNU) has congratulated the students of the Faculty of Shari'ah and Law who earned the prestigious Dean's award
Congratulations to the students of the Faculty of Shari'ah and Law who have earned the prestigious Dean's award for the outstanding academic achievements. Well done!#TheMaldivesNationalUniversity
— The Maldives National University (@MNUedu) December 4, 2024
Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation Mohamed Ameen visited STELCO visited the company today to inspect the progress of the company’s power plant and the charging stations being set up at Dhon'adharaadha Hin'gun to enable charging of electric vehicles
މިނިސްޓަރ އޮފް ޓްރާންސްޕޯޓް އެންޑް ސިވިލް އޭވިއޭޝަން @ameen3d މިއަދު ވަނީ މިކުންފުންޏަށް ޒިޔާރަތްކުރައްވާ ކުންފުނީގެ އިންޖީނުގޭގެ މަސައްކަތްތައް ދާގޮތާއި، އިލެކްޓްރިކް ވެހިކަލް ޗާޖް ކުރެވޭގޮތަށް ދޮންއަދަރާދަ ހިނގުމުގައި ގާއިމްކުރުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް ކުރަމުންދާ ޗާޖިންގސްޓޭޝަންތަކުގެ…
— STELCO (@STELCOMALDIVES) December 4, 2024
Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Resources Ahmed Shiyam has stated that President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has demonstrated that he will take decisive action to alleviate the issues facing the fisheries sector and fishermen. His statement came in connection to the President's meeting with fishermen held Wednesday
ރައީސުލް ޖުމްޙޫރިއްޔާ @MMuizzu އަކީ ދިވެހި ތާރީޚުގައި މަސްވެރި ސިނާޢަތަށް ރިޔާސީ ދައުރެއްގައި އެންމެބޮޑު ޚިދުމަތެއް ކޮށްދެއްވާނެ ރައީސްކަން ޔަޤީންވަނީ ޒަޢާމަތުގެ ފުރަތަމަ އަހަރު އެކަނި ސިނާޢަތުގެ ތަރައްޤީއަށް ކުރައްވަން ފެއްޓެވި މުހިއްމު ގިނަ މަސައްކަތްޕުޅުތަކުން. ސިނާޢަތުގެ…
— Ahmed Shiyam (@Shiyamaldives) December 4, 2024
Maldives Transport and Contracting Company Plc (MTCC) has revealed that 100 percent of revetment curb stone works at the Sh Komandoo shore protection work was completed
Sh. Komandoo Shore Protection work is progressing well, with 100% completion of the revetment curb stone works. Additionally, we have received approval for the Komandoo Harbor rectification variation works and are preparing to commence these activities.
— MTCC Plc (@MTCCPlc) December 4, 2024
Under the Mathi Komandoo…
UN Development Programme Maldives has opened the ‘Dhivehi Dhathuru’ exhibition this morning, which will run from 4-6th Dec at the National Art Gallery. Ahmed Shiaan, Multilateral Secretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs opened the exhibition
We opened the ‘Dhivehi Dhathuru’ exhibition this morning, which will run from 4-6th Dec at @NCA_MDV.
— UNDP Maldives (@UNDPMaldives) December 4, 2024
Honored to have Ahmed Shiaan, Multilateral Secretary @MoFAmv, as Chief Guest, joined by @NielsScott, UN Interim RC, to mark this special milestone.
— UNDP Maldives (@UNDPMaldives) December 4, 2024
Visit the exhibition to explore our journey and impact in the Maldives. #UNDP45
Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed has stated that President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's economic measures were solid and bears results. His statement came following rating agency Moody's confirmation and maintenance of the Maldives’ Long-Term Local and Foreign Currency Issuer Rating of Caa2
الحمد لله. ރާއްޖޭގެ މާލީ ޙާލަތު ވައްޓާލާފައި އޮތް އަނދަވަޅުން ސަލާމަތްކުރަން ރ ޑރ @MMuizzu އެޅުއްވި ފިޔަވަޅުތައް ހަރުދަނާ އަދި ނަތީޖާ ރަނގަޅު. އިންތިހާއަށް ޚަރަދު ބޮޑުކޮށް، ރާއްޖެ ދަރަނިވެރި ކުރުވި 2 ޙާލަތެއް ފަހުގެ ތާރީޚު ދެކެފި. އެ 2 ޙާލަތުވެސް އުފަންކުރީ އެއް ބައެއް.
— Mohamed Saeed (@em_saeed) December 4, 2024
Housing Development Corporation has started construction on an outdoor gym at the Hiyaa flats in Hulhumale' phase two
ހުޅުމާލެއަކީ ހިތްފަސޭހަ ތަނަކަށް ހެދުމަށް ކުރަމުންދާ މަސައްކަތުގެ ތެރެއިން، ހުޅުމާލެ ދެވަނަ ފިޔަވަހީގެ ހިޔާ ފުލެޓް ސަރަހައްދުގައި އައުޓް ޑޯ ޖިމެއް ގާއިމްކުރުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް އެޗްޑީސީ ޓީމުން ދަނީ ކުރަމުން.#އެޗްޑީސީއާއެކު
— Housing Development Corporation (@hdcmaldives) December 4, 2024
The Maldives Pension Administration Office was accoladed for their entries to the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Good Practice Award for Asia and the Pacific Competition. CEO Sujatha Haleem also presented key insights on innovation in social security during the Plenary Session on Strengthening Social Security through Institutional Transformation and Innovation
We are honoured to receive the following recognitions for our entries to the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Good Practice Award for Asia and the Pacific Competition, highlighting our commitment to global best practices in building a sustainable pension system.
— Pension Office (@PensionOffice) December 4, 2024
Ms. Sujatha Haleem, CEO, Pension Office, shared key insights on innovation in social security during the Plenary Session on Strengthening Social Security through Institutional Transformation and Innovation at the ISSA Regional Social Security Forum for Asia and the Pacific.
— Pension Office (@PensionOffice) December 4, 2024
Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed met Information Commissioner Ahmed Ahid Rasheed regarding the Commission's planned training session for Ministry staff. The aim of this training is to enhance the staff's ability to respond effectively to queries and address challenges
Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed met with Information Commissioner Mr. Ahmed Ahid Rasheed to discuss ICOM's plans to organize a training session for MoIA staff in January 2025.
— Ministry of Islamic Affairs (@MVIaffairs) December 4, 2024
First Lady Madam Sajidha Mohamed underscored that the National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) embodies a shared commitment, drawing on the contributions of various sectors essential to the resilience of the nation. She made these remarks at the launch ceremony of the National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) 2024–2029.
Speaking at the ceremony, the First Lady noted that the National Action Plan adopts the "One Health" approach, emphasising the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. She explained that the plan ensures an integrated response to AMR, fostering collaboration across healthcare, agriculture, and environmental management sectors.
The First Lady stressed that AMR has significant implications for food safety and security. She pointed out that the misuse of antimicrobials in agriculture and aquaculture can result in resistant bacteria entering the food supply, endangering public health and livelihoods.
She further elaborated that addressing AMR is not only a public health priority but also an economic necessity. Building synergies and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, pooling resources, sharing knowledge, and driving innovation are crucial to successfully implementing the One Health approach.
At the ceremony, the First Lady officially launched the five-year National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP AMR) for 2024–2029. Building on earlier efforts, the plan aligns with the WHO’s Global Action Plan and aims to enhance governance, regulations, accountability, and monitoring systems while addressing gaps to combat antimicrobial resistance.
First Lady Madam Sajidha Mohamed launches the National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP AMR).
— The President's Office (@presidencymv) December 4, 2024
NAP AMR is a comprehensive five-year plan, to be implemented from 2024 to 2029, and marks the Maldives' second dedicated initiative to combat antimicrobial resistance.
First Lady alongside the Minister of Health @ANazim2019 , launched the National Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) 2024-2029. A significant step towards safeguarding public health and combating AMR for a healthier future. #AMR2024 @presidencymv @MFDA_mv
— Ministry of Health (@MoHmv) December 4, 2024
In her address, the First Lady emphasized that ‘AMR extends beyond hospitals and clinics—it’s a cross-sectoral challenge.’ She highlighted the vital roles of agriculture, fisheries, environment, & food production in combating AMR & called for collective action. #AMRAction
— Ministry of Health (@MoHmv) December 4, 2024
In his address, Minister @ANazim2019 emphasized that combating AMR is a global, multidimensional challenge requiring higher-level involvement. He appreciated HEP’s active participation in UN efforts, showcasing our nation’s commitment to safeguarding global health. #AMRAction
— Ministry of Health (@MoHmv) December 4, 2024
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare held a validation workshop for the GEF SCCF Project “A Holistic Approach to Agricultural Food Systems Resilience and Adaptation in Maldives”
Validation workshop for the GEF SCCF Project “A Holistic Approach to Agricultural Food Systems Resilience and Adaptation in Maldives” was held today. The project will strengthen climate resilience and adaptation in the agricultural food system of targeted islands of the Maldives.…
— Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare (@MAAWmv) December 4, 2024
Maldives State Shipping (MSS) and Malaysian Maritime Academy (MMASB) to enhance training opportunuties for MSS Kalaaseen scholarship recipients
MD & CEO of MSS, Mr. Ahmed Shareef and MD & CEO of MMASB, Mr. Eddie Ahmad Khodzali has signed a MOU today at MMASB/ALAM Campus at Melaka, Malaysia. This ceremony was attended by Her Excellency Dr. Mariyam Shabeena Ahmed, High Commissioner of the Maldives to Malaysia 🇲🇻🇲🇾
— Maldives State Shipping (MSS) (@stateshippingmv) December 4, 2024
High Commissioner H.E. Dr. Mariyam Shabeena Ahmed @Mariyam_shab presided over the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Maldives State Shipping (MSS) and Malaysian Maritime Academy Sdn Bhd (ALAM).
— Maldives in Malaysia (@MDVinMalaysia) December 4, 2024
This MoU will contribute significantly to advancing maritime training…
Business Center Corporation (BCC) is to hold an information session in Kulhudhuffushi City on Thursday. The panellists are to discuss the latest updates on policies and their implementation
Join this information session at Kulhudhuffushi City brought to you by our panellists discussing the latest updates on policies and their implementation.
— Business Center Corporation (@BCC_mv) December 4, 2024
Find more material in our booklet “Towards a Developed Nation by 2040” about the developments envision for your future.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the Maldives has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Auckland to jointly study seabirds and migratory birds. This partnership aims to enhance the EPA's capacity to conduct research on seabirds and migratory birds
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the Maldives has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Auckland to jointly study seabirds and migratory birds in the Maldives. (1/1)
— EPA Maldives (@EPAMaldives) December 4, 2024
Maldives is home to many sea bird species, a large majority of which are migratory species. Protecting these species and their habitats are then critically important.
— Thoriq Ibrahim (@Thoriqibrahim) December 4, 2024
I’m happy to have signed an MoU today with the University of Auckland, who will work with @EPAMaldives to…
The first meeting of the Joint Agency Team of Male' City was held at Iskandar building aimed at ensuring that the services provided by the police are provided in accordance with the community philosophy with the participation of citizens, councils, civil society and state institutions
ޖޮއިންޓް އޭޖެންސީ ޓީމުގެ ބައްދަލުވުމެއް މާލޭގައި ބާއްވައިފި
— Maldives Police (@PoliceMv) December 4, 2024
Ministry of Social and Family Development highlights Special Olympics Athlete Laika
We celebrate the achievements and continuous efforts of Special Olympics Athlete Laika. #IDPD2024
— Ministry of Social and Family Development (@MSFDmv) December 4, 2024
Video Description:
Laika and mother in the interview frame – speaking to the camera. Laika is wearing a red SOM t-shirt with green lining at collar and sleeve, with long braided…
Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure issues highlights from the inauguration ceremony of the Resilience Housing Guidance for the Maldives. The guidance was developed jointly by the Ministry and the World Bank
Highlights from the Inauguration Ceremony of the Resilience Housing Guidance for the Maldives, which was jointly developed by the Ministry and the World Bank, with valuable input from various government authorities, the private sector, and the public.
— Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure (@MoCImv) December 4, 2024
The public can access the…
Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal says that Moody's rating is a reflection of the efforts led by President Dr. Muizzu's administration to ensure economic stability
Moody's has maintained the Maldives' credit rating at Caa2. This reflects the efforts led by President Dr. Muizzu's administration to ensure economic stability. We remain dedicated to pushing forward reforms that strengthen our economy and create a better future for everyone.
— Ibrahim Faisal (@ifaisalofficial) December 4, 2024
Representatives of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Maldives attended the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 10th Session of the Regional Consultative Group (RCG) on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination for Asia and the Pacific
Chief Executive @hisanmv, accompanied by Emergency Operations Manager Abdulla Rafeeu, is attending @UNOCHA's 10th Session of the Regional Consultative Group (RCG) on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination for Asia and the Pacific held in Pukhet, Thailand.
— NDMA Maldives (@NDMAmv) December 4, 2024
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation is representing the Maldives at the ILTM Cannes 2024, showcasing the luxury experiences to our French Travel Trade
Bonjour à tous!
— Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation (@mmprc_corporate) December 4, 2024
The Sunny Side of Life is in Cannes! Visit Maldives is having an incredible time in ILTM Cannes 2024, showcasing the luxury experiences to our French Travel Trade! #VisitMaldives #SunnySideofLife
Minister of State Dr Muaviyath Mohamed attended the #CarbonX Program 2.0 Launching event held in Beijing, China, In his address the state minister highlighted the importance of unified action on climate change
Minister of State Dr. Muaviyath Mohamed attended the #CarbonX Program 2.0 Launching event held in Beijing, China on November 3rd, 2024. During his remarks at the event, he highlighted the importance of working together in addressing the impacts of climate change."
— Min. of Climate Change, Environment and Energy (@MoEnvmv) December 4, 2024
Maldives Mission in New York says that Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Miras has delivered the Maldives general statement at the second session of #FfD4 Prep Comm. The Minister called for debt forgiveness for climate resilience instrument and called for increasing investment in capacity building
At the second session of #FfD4 Prep Comm, @MoFmv Deputy Minister, Hassan Miras delivered the Maldives general statement. Presented the Maldives proposal for a debt forgiveness for climate resilience instrument & called for increasing investment in capacity building.
— Maldives Mission NY (@MVPMNY) December 3, 2024
At the luncheon hosted by @UNDRR on the sidelines of #FfD4 Prep Comm, @MoFmv Deputy Minister highlighted the Maldives priorities for FfD4, including developing sustainable and innovative debt management instruments linked to increasing climate resilience.
— Maldives Mission NY (@MVPMNY) December 3, 2024
At the Ministerial scene-setter of #FfD4 Prep Com, @MoFmv Deputy Minister Hassan Miras emphasised the importance of investing in technical & state capacity, & development of innovative instruments such as debt for resilience investment to reduce unsustainable debt burden in SIDS.
— Maldives Mission NY (@MVPMNY) December 3, 2024
Maldives Mission in New York represented the Maldives at the UNGA 79, with the Maldives calling for a permanent end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and the return of Syrian Golan to Syria
At #UNGA79 #Maldives called for a permanent end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. The Syrian Golan must be returned to Syria, and the Palestinian people must realize their inalienable rights. Justice & dignity are the cornerstones of lasting peace.
— Maldives Mission NY (@MVPMNY) December 3, 2024
Today @UNGA #Maldives emphasised that the @UN is for peace-loving States and called on Israel to end its genocide against Palestine. Maldives reiterated its support for a sovereign State for Palestinians and condemned Israels illegal occupation of Palestinian territory.
— Maldives Mission NY (@MVPMNY) December 3, 2024
The Acting High Commissioner of Bangladesh, Mr. MD Sohel Parvez, met with the Controller General of Immigration Mohamed Sham'aan Waheed. Deputy Controller, High Commission officials were present at the meeting
The Acting High Commissioner of Bangladesh, Mr. MD Sohel Parvez, met with the Controller General of Immigration, @ShamaanW.
— Maldives Immigration (@ImmigrationMV) December 3, 2024
The meeting focused on Maldives Immigration's enforcement operations and ways to enhance efficiency through improved communication from both sides.…
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Maldives with collaboration with Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, IGMH held a series of workshops on male infertility
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Maldives with collaboration with Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology , IGMH conducted SOGM Workshop Series Episode 1 on Research Methodology.
— IGMH (@igmhmv) December 3, 2024
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Maldives with collaboration with Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology , IGMH conducted SOGM Workshop Series Episode 2 on Male infertility.
— IGMH (@igmhmv) December 3, 2024